Juice Time
Fresh and enjoyable~ indulge in the moment of rich juice!
Carefully selected fruit origins and varieties, adding natural original fruit juice without flavors or colorants - full of health, right in this moment!
★100%天然健康果汁 ★富士蘋果使用,添加優質果肉 ★清爽蘋果香氣伴隨微酸滋味 ★全程低溫配送,保持新鮮口感 ★無添加更健康:無加糖、無香料、無防腐劑產品規格:

100% Mixed Fruit and Vegetable Juice
Enjoy the moment of Juice Time when savoring delicious food! Juice Time 100% mixed fruit and vegetable juice, selected Taiwanese carrots, apples, oranges, and other high-quality fruits, one bottle allows you to consume the deliciousness and nutrition of mixed fruits and vegetables, achieving full health, right at this moment!
★ Selected Taiwanese carrots, apples, oranges, and other quality fruits ★ 100% fruit and vegetable juice content ★ Pure natural, no flavors, no colorants ★ Full of health, right at this moment產品規格:

100% Mixed Orange Juice
Selected Valencia sweet oranges for a better taste, no artificial additives, giving you 100% natural flavor.
★ 100% natural and healthy fruit juice ★ Selected Valencia sweet oranges ★ Contains natural Vitamin C ★ Added pulp for a richer texture ★ No additives for a healthier choice: no added sugar, no flavors, no preservatives產品規格:

100% Mixed Grape Juice
Chosen Spanish grapes, along with apples, white grapes, and other high-quality fruits, bring you a refreshing and sweet grape mixed fruit juice.
★ 100% natural and healthy fruit juice ★ Uses Spanish grapes ★ High sweetness, low acidity, bringing you a charmingly sweet grape juice blend ★ Enhances your complexion, healthy at every moment ★ No additives for a healthier choice: no added sugar, no flavors, no preservatives產品規格:

★選用優質鮮甜多汁蘋果,新鮮好喝 ★100%天然健康果汁 ★甘甜微酸多層次,果香豐富的香甜滋味 ★無添加更健康:無加糖、無香料、無防腐劑

★台灣與進口優質蔬果,營養補給 ★100% 果蔬汁 ★健康滿滿,一瓶攝取美味營養 ★無添加更健康:無加糖、無香料、無防腐劑.

瓦倫西亞柳橙使用,果肉細密、果汁多、香味濃,是世界公認風味最美的品種, 搭配其他果汁,創造酸甜平衡的最佳口感。
★瓦倫西亞柳橙使用,自然酸甜 ★100%天然健康果汁 ★陽光般滋味,美味無與倫比 ★無添加更健康:無加糖、無香料、無防腐劑

★西班牙葡萄使用,氣色加分 ★100%天然健康果汁 ★甜度高、酸度低,帶給你迷人香甜葡萄綜合果汁 ★無添加更健康:無加糖、無香料、無防腐劑

Apple Juice
The crisp and sweet taste of Fuji apples, with tender, crisp, and juicy flesh, offers you a rich fruity sweetness.
★ Selected sweet and juicy Fuji apples ★ Sweet and slightly acidic taste with multiple layers ★ Refreshing and thirst-quenching for easy drinking ★ No added preservatives, please drink with peace of mind ★ Full of health, right at this moment!產品規格:

Grape Juice
Selected Spanish grapes, with a unique flavor and multi-layered aroma, suitable for juicing, turning into an irresistible sweet fruit juice.
★ Selected Spanish grapes ★ High sweetness, low acidity, rich and enchanting fruit aroma ★ Enhances your complexion, healthy at every moment ★ No added preservatives, please drink with peace of mind ★ Full of health, right at this moment!產品規格:

Guava, Mango and Orange Mix Juice
Selected high-quality Taiwanese guava, blended with full mangoes and sweet oranges, brings a multi-layered sweet taste experience to your taste buds.
★ Guava, mango, and sweet orange intertwine to create an excellent flavor ★ Mixed fruit juice provides the body with rich nutrition ★ Enjoy the taste of multiple fruits in one drink ★ No added preservatives, please drink with peace of mind ★ Full of health, right at this moment!產品規格:

Guava Lime Juice
Freshly squeezed juice! Fresh Experience: Taste the natural sweetness of Taiwanese fruits.
★ Freshly squeezed from the fruit! Refreshing, sweet, and sour, drink up! ★ Perfectly blends Taiwanese guava & lemon juice, just the right amount of refreshing sweetness! ★ 10% juice content ★ No additives for a healthier choice: no flavors, no colorants, no preservatives產品規格:

Guava, Mango and Orange Mix Juice
Freshly squeezed juice! Fresh Experience: Taste the natural sweetness of Taiwanese fruits.
★ Freshly squeezed from the fruit! Refreshing, sweet, and sour, drink up! ★ Uses Taiwanese guava & mango juice, tasting the natural sweetness of the island's fruits ★ 20% juice content ★ No additives for a healthier choice: no flavors, no colorants, no preservatives產品規格: